Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fashion Teen | Joy - Fashion Si Bejo


Hello, my dear readers, it's so good to be back! I finished my first year of Med School weeks ago but at first I just felt like I needed a break in order to readjust to my hometown, spend more time with my family (it's hard to live 4 hours away, I think I've been overhugging  my sister these past few weeks to make up for the lost time) and hang out with my friends who also returned in our hometown after their final exams. After I spent enough time in my hometown, I returned to Iasi for two weeks because I felt like I needed to be a tourist after living in the town for a year (I rarely had time to visit it during the school weeks). How refreshing it was to take walks in the Copou park (pictured in this post), play tennis, visit places, go to the movies with my cousins!

Although I loved Minions , one movie stole my heart forever: Inside Out. For me, it's the best children's movie ever made, I don't know how a movie can get wiser, more touching,  heart-warming than that. I love the dynamic between Joy and Sadness and the "Lava" short film played at the beginning of the movie is genius!

Sales wise, Iasi has been amazing! I found so many things I have been looking for a long timeee. I've always wanted a white skirt, casual and versatile, just so I can wear it during summer. As always, Zara saved me! When I found this pretty skirt, it was love at first sight. The embroidery reminds me of the last Dolce & Gabbana collections and the fabric is so soft&comfy, just the very thing you should be wearing on a hot summer!
Zara skirt, H&M top, Moschino bag, H&M bangle. Fossil watch, Humanic espadrilles




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